Monday, 28 January 2008

Demon Lord Sequel Publication Postponed

A letter from T C Southwell

It is with deep regret that I must announce the indefinite postponement of the publication of the “Demon Lord” sequel, “Dark God”. Unfortunately, due to the poor sales of “Demon Lord”, it now seems highly unlikely that the sequel will be published. There was an amazing lack of publicity for “Demon Lord”, since all the magazines and most of the newspapers to whom the book was sent for review declined to review it or even read it, but dismissed it either as a ‘demonic handbook’, or ‘local rubbish’. The fact that it was written and published locally caused an intense bias towards it, believe it or not.

Not only were the local press disinclined to review it, but major South African bookshops would not even order it from the publisher, despite public demand. Against these kinds of odds, the book was doomed from the outset. I am now seeking an overseas publisher, and will, hopefully, find more support in other countries. It is a sad state of affairs, and I would like to apologise to all my fans. I am considering sending the book to a Print On Demand (POD) publisher for the sake of my readers while I endeavour to find an overseas publisher for "Dark God". This is now somewhat complicated by the fact that “Demon Lord” has already been published in South Africa, and therefore the only option might be to combine the two books for the overseas market.

I have been deeply touched by all those of you who have written to me, and extremely sad that this has come about. I hope that you will find it in your hearts to be patient, and I will do my best to find a way to have the sequel published, either on POD or as an e-book, for the sake of my fans.

Monday, 14 January 2008

Only a young healer stands between a dark god and the destruction of the Overworld...

When the dark god Arkonen, imprisoned in the Underworld for a millennia, learns the secret of his release, he steals a mortal woman, heavy with child, from the Overworld, and rips the infant from her womb. Thus Bane, the Demon Lord, is born. Two years later, a girl child who possesses the power of light is born among the healers.

After eighteen years of torturous training, Bane emerges through the World Gate. A dark army gathers to serve him, and he sets forth to conquer the Overworld and break the seven blue wards that bind Arkonen below.

When Mirra, innocent of her destiny, is placed in Bane’s path, he takes her with him on his bloody rampage, defying Arkonen’s order to slay her.

Bane has never known kindness, and Mirra has not known cruelty until now. He spurns her attempts to ease his suffering, unaware that the dark power that he wields is killing him. If Mirra cannot turn Bane from his dark purpose, the Overworld is doomed, and Bane is not what he seems …
Demon Lord is now available in all the major book shops in South Africa. The author particularly wishes to support Reader's Paradise Bookshop in Cape Town. Signed copies of Demon Lord can be purchased there.